How to start a podcast?

Two months ago back in May 2018, I decided I want to start a podcast. I had zero experience in recording, editing, and publishing audio. Then I had the bright idea of adding a video component for YouTube.
To re-iterate I had zero experience in recording, editing and publishing audio and video. I mean I always loved shooting video and capturing photos on the automatic setting on a simple point and shoot, however, all I did with that content was merely store it on an external hard drive and now in the cloud.
I was determined, and I knew to achieve this goal of starting a podcast, I would have to:
– Choose the topic of discussion
– Decide the name and who the target audience is.
– Get listed on Apple, Google, and other major podcast sites. Add the graphics, show notes, etc.
– Attract listeners.
– Choose the hardware needed: (depending on the how at a minimum):
– For audio, I thought I would need mics, cables, recording device (or laptop) and editing software and a platform that can host the audio files.
– For video, I thought I would need a video recording device (like a DSLR), mic (backup) and a platform that can host the audio files.
– Finding guests who are willing to be on the podcast.
The to-do list kept getting longer and longer. I needed to break it down so that the podcast does not spiral out of control and never launch.
To start the podcast I ended up breaking the to do’s into three components:
1. The podcast idea and concept
2. Recording and editing
3. Distribution
1. The podcast idea and concept
The idea and concept are one of the most important decisions you can make, some of the questions you should be asking yourself is:
– What is the subject or topic discussion?
– Will you talk alone, with someone each time, or with a new guest
– What is the style of the podcast?
– How long will the podcast last (20, 30, 40, 60 mins), and how often will you publish a new episode (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)?
2. Recording and Editing
At the essence of every podcast, you will need a way to record the audio. With you can start a podcast on your phone, yes on your phone! How simple is that?
If you want something more traditional, you will need a microphone, a recording device (which can be your laptop), and software to edit the audio files.
3. Hosting and Distribution
Once you have recorded and edited the audio and are ready for the world to see, I mean listen to your podcast you need a way to get it onto your audience’s devices prepared to listen.
I would strongly recommend starting to build an audience as early as possible, that is one of the things that I did not do.
First, you will need a podcast host who will store the audio files on their servers and then make them available to your listeners.
Then the audio files are picked up by major platforms such as Apple and Google.
Finally, after much procrasination, I launched The Product Angle podcast, listen here.