Conversation with a Software & Non-Software PdM

In this episode, Conversation with a Software & Non-Software PdM we talk to Pippa Gittings, and Nikitha Suryadevara. As we compare and contrast working as a software and non-software Product Manager.
By the end of the episode, you’ll learn about:
– Comparing and contrasting the roles and responsibilities.
– How the role fits into the larger organization.
– What does success mean in their respective roles.
Conversation with a Software & Non-Software PdM
About the Guests
Nikitha Suryadevara is a product manager at VMware based in San Francisco. Nikitha works on all things VMs, containers, and Kubernetes.
Pippa Gittings is one of four digital product managers at the Natural History Museum in London UK. Pippa works with a cross-functional team to improve the existing website and create new digital products. All aimed at getting more people out into nature and exploring.
Key takeaways
Traditionally when we think about Product Management we tend to think about creating software products where the product is *generally* the business.
However, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a Product Manager when the product isn’t the business this is the session for you.
Show timestamps
Coming soon
Show links
Natural History Museum London, UK.
Listen to other episodes of The Product Angle here.